Welcome to SANCUS
We Sancus Securities, follow a four step process of Financial Planning - Risk Profiling, Goal Planning, Portfolio structuring and portfolio tracking. We use a wide range of products to achieve the financial Goals of our clients- Mutual Funds, Stocks, Fixed Deposits, Insurance etc. We strongly recommend and use Mutual Funds in every clients portfolio creation, due to its lot many advantages over other investment products, like- diversification, professional approach and steady growth.
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Abhay Gupta, Punjab
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Kulvinder Kaur, Punjab
In SIP, a fixed amount of money is debited by the investors in bank accounts periodically and invested in a specified mutual fund. The investor is allocated a number of units according to the current Net asset value. Everytime a sum is invested, more units are added to the investors account. The strategy claims to free the investors from speculating in volatile markets by currency cost averaging. As the investor is getting more units when the price is low and less units when the price is high, in the long run the average cost per unit is supposed to be lower. SIP claims to encourage disciplined investment. SIPs are flexible, the investors may stop investing a plan anytime, or may choose to increase or decrease the investment amount.
Never Put All Eggs In One Basket
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